Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week Six

Jalen found his favourite spot on the couch to take a nap. Just like his Daddy!

Cousin Taylor can't wait to babysit Jalen.

Here's Gerrie holding Jalen at Trish and Arlene's baby shower last weekend. Jalen did well at the party until he had a blow out and pooped out of his diaper. Grrrr!

Mommy and Jalen.

Jalen says "hi!"


Anonymous said...

I love his chubby little cheeks. He is just soooo cute. It was sure fun meeting Jalen last Friday and finally getting to hold him. What a "good" baby, no matter what Mom and Dad say :-).

Debi V.

cuzin e said...

sleeps on the couch and poops the diaper just like pop