Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jalen is Three Months Old!

Our little piggy is now three months old! He's got a few new tricks now. The other day, Rick was playing with Jalen's stomach and he laughed out loud for the first time! Since then, both of us have been trying to get him to laugh by tickling him. He smiles many times a day now so the laugh is the elusive reward that both of us are after. At three months, Jalen is also doing much better with tummy time. Before he would just face plant on to the floor then whine about not being about to see anything. Now he can support himself with his arms and almost pull himself upright. He still needs lots of practice though. We've developed a night time routine for him for the last few weeks. I put him down to sleep in his crib around 9pm, then wake him up around 11:30pm or midnight to eat, then put him straight back down to sleep. He usually can sleep until 5am or 6am. His record is around 6:30am. Some nights, he wakes up at 2am or 4am, so I just give him his binky then put him right back to sleep. Since we've had this routine, Rick and I have been about to have a couple of hours of uninterrupted adult time at night, then I can get 5 or 6 hours of straight sleep! During the day, his routine is less predictable. I try to put him down for a nap about an hour after he feeds. He usually only sleeps for 30 minutes. Then depending on what mood he's in or how busy I am, I'll either hold him until he goes back to sleep or put him in his bouncer or swing to play. Jalen has also developed a very close attachment to me for obvious reasons. When he's in a good mood, he'll let anyone hold him but when he's cranky and tired, he can only be comforted by me. He will scream at his daddy for half an hour until his face is red and streaked with tears. Little does Jalen know, he'll have to learn to break that habit very soon because I'm going back to work in less than 2 weeks and he will have to let Grandma take care of him while mommy is not around.

Tickle, tickle!

Jalen asleep in his swing.

Tummy time for Jalen.

Tummy time for Jalen's daddy at 3 months old.

Jalen's mommy at 3 months old. When Jalen was first born, everyone said that he looks like daddy. Now he looks like a bit of mommy and a bit of daddy. He still has daddy's nose and forehead but he may just have his mommy's chin and mouth. What do you think?

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