Monday, February 18, 2008

Jalen is 9 Months Old!

We took Jalen to his 9 month check up today. The doctor says that he's doing great. He has a case of mild eczema on his face and his body. We have to continue to avoid using soap when we give him a bath except for his diaper area. He still has a rash on his face from all of the drooling. The doctor says to try to keep his face dry and put Vaseline on it to act as a barrier. I asked the doctor what kind of food we can give him and she said other than red fruits and vegetables, nuts and milk, we can pretty much give him anything else. Of course we should avoid salt and sugar but I'm looking forward to getting him to get used to the taste of all kinds of food. I especially want him to eat lots of veggies and whole grain breads.

Jalen weighed in at 22lbs (75%) and 30.5in (97%). His weight gain has slowed down a bit probably because of all the crawling and cruising that he's been doing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Look please here