Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jalen Plays Dress up

Here's Jalen putting on his China man hat that my cousin Fiona gave him.

Here's Jalen putting on his daddy's maverick sunglasses.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jalen the Land Shark

After the dragon costume fiasco, we found an adorable shark costume at Baby Style. We thought maybe he'd like that costume better? Well, we were wrong.

Jalen in the Big Tub

Jalen had been taking his baths in the kitchen sink for the last few months. But lately, he has been refusing to sit down in the sink. He also likes to splash around which makes a wet mess in the kitchen. So we decided it's time to move him to the big person tub. We fill the tub with a few inches of water, let him play with his toys while we soap him up then we shower him off. He's been loving it so much that he often doesn't want to get out of the tub.

Jalen is a Puffy Dragon

It's almost time for Halloween and we got Jalen a dragon costume. Oh boy, he didn't like it all. We struggled to get it on him.