Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer Picnic

Last Saturday, we went to the annual Amazon summer picnic in North Bend, WA. Each year, Jalen has been able to enjoy the activities more and more.

Here's Jalen and his daddy on the tractor/train ride. He liked it so much he went on it twice.

This was a big high slide! Jalen didn't want to climb up by himself so Rick climbed up with him.

Jalen insisted that he comes down behind Rick. The slide must have been pretty slippery because he lost control right away and started head down instead of feet down.

Looks like it was a lot of fun though!

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Bouncy Fun Time

Last Sunday was Matthew's 2 year old birthday party. Jalen got a taste of the trampoline again and he had a lot of fun trying to jump on it. Unfortunately, he inherited his mommy's coordination skills and still can't take off on both feet. But he still enjoyed skipping and hopping and falling down.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Seafair Weekend

Last weekend was the traditional Seafair weekend with the Blue Angels air show and the hydroplane races. Our friend Tom offered his lake front home for us to watch the show. Jalen was at first excited about the planes. However, at one point during the show, one plane flew really close to us and it was really loud. After that he said "no more airplanes" and we went inside.

Matching outfits for Daddy and Jalen!