Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday party weekend

Last weekend we went on the kiddie birthday circuit with Tyler's 3rd birthday party on Saturday then Trenton's 3rd birthday party on Sunday. Jalen had a lot of fun at the jungle gym for Trenton's party. We were pleasantly surprised that he could swing really well!

Here's Rylan and Max and their daddies. Rylan is about 1 month older than Max.

Jalen giving birthday boy Trenton a big hug!

Jalen was fearless when swinging on the rings.

Lately, our whole family of 4 have been ending up in bed by the morning. Usually, I bring Max into bed with me after the 6am feeding. Then Jalen hops into bed with us when he wakes up around 7am. Sometimes, Jalen comes into our room and gets into bed in the middle of the night without us knowing! Most of the time, we're too tired to tell him to go back to his room. Good thing we have a king size bed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Max is 10 weeks old!

Wow, our little Max in double digit weeks! He's hit a couple of new milestones in the last week or so. First, he is starting to smile more while he's awake. He's always smiled while he's asleep but now he will smile when he's awake, alert and in a good mood. He's also started sleeping longer at night. Thank goodness! Max's last feeding of the evening is at 9pm then he'll usually drift off to sleep around 10pm or 11pm. In the last few days, he's been sleeping until 2am or even 5am! Then he'll sleep until about 6am. After the 6am feeding, he tends to wake up again around 7am but I'll just bring him in bed with me and he'll sleep with me for a bit longer. There's nothing better than sleeping with your baby. I treasure all this cuddling with him because pretty soon, they'll get big and won't let you hold them anymore!

Max's neck is getting stronger so I had him in the Bumbo seat today. So Jalen immediately asked if he could sit next to him in his own chair.

Max was content in his Bumbo for about 30 minutes today while I sorted out Jalen's old clothes by size. He was mesmerized by the TV.

This is a mini smile I managed to capture on camera.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter weekend and Grandparents' visit

My parents came to visit from Vancouver this Easter weekend. We didn't do any themed photo shoots but my dad still captured these great shots of Max and Jalen.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Max is 2 months old!

It's no joke, Max turned 2 months old on April 1. Today I took him to the pediatrician for his 2-months check up. He is now 11lbs 11oz and 22.5 inches long. His weight is in the 50% percentile and height is 25 - 50%. We also checked on his jaundice and it's improved a lot and almost in the normal range. The doctor doesn't think we need to worry about it anymore.

In the last few days, Max has started to establish a feeding/sleeping pattern. He feeds every 3 hours at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. After 9pm, he falls asleep around 10pm and sleeps until anywhere from 12:30am - 2am. Then he'll wake up again between 3:30am - 5am. But for this feeding, he'll only eat for about 3 minutes before falling asleep again. Which would be fine except he wakes up again at 6am. Then 8am. So in the last couple of days, I've been trying to get him to go back to sleep when he wakes up at 4am and not feeding him until 6am. I'm hoping that he'll eventually learn to sleep from 12am - 6am. Or at least I can wish, right?