This is the first year that Jalen, at 3 and a half, really got excited about Christmas. He knew that it was the day he got to open presents. And he knew there were lots of presents waiting for him! On Christmas morning, he came into our bed and managed to wait until about 9am before we started opening presents. We opened presents from friends at home then went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to open the rest of the presents.

This Toy Story 3 Lego set was on Jalen's wish list. He says "the Claw! the Claw!"

Here is Max with his classic Eeyore look with cousin Taylor.

Jalen was so excited to finally get his lady bug Pillow Pet. He has seen the TV commercial every morning. After making it into a pillow, he asked "Mommy, can you help me turn this into a cozy animal?"