Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yuen Lui Photo Shoot

We've been taking the kids to Yuen Lui for yearly photo shoots since Jalen was one year old. In the age of prosumer digital cameras and iPhones, we always have a ton of pictures of the kids. However, these professionals still do the best job of bringing the best out of the kids. Jalen was especially enjoying the modeling.

Max is 2 years old!

Max turned 2 on Feb. 1, 2012. We took him for his wellness check up the next day and here are his stats: 28lb 10oz (50%) and 34 1/4" (50-75%). The doctor says he's growing great, in fact, his growth curve is increasing. Now that Max is 2, I know it's finally time to start making him give up the baby bottle. In fact, at the last check up, the doctor has already urged us to do it. I think I just really wanted to hang on to him being a baby a little longer. On the first night, Max asked for "nai nai" (milk in Chinese) and I distracted him and got him to sleep. The next night, we got him ready for bed in his PJ's, and he ran to Rick and said "good night Daddy" and then asked for "nai nai" again. When Rick said no, he started to cry and said "nai nai, nai nai" with tears coming down his face. It was so sad and funny to see. In the morning, when he asks for milk, we give it to him in a sippy cup and sometimes he looks at it and say "No!" But we don't relent, so we've been more or less bottle free for 1 week. One night last week, he woke up in the middle night and was really upset, so I broke down and gave him the bottle. Sigh, I will miss him being a baby although I'm looking forward to him being a little boy and watching his personality blossom.

Max's 2nd Birthday Party

For Max's 2nd birthday party I wanted another party outside of the home (no clean up before or after!). I also wanted a place where little Max could have fun and instead of only fun for Jalen and our friends' older kids. We had Dizzy's Tumble Bus over to our house for Jalen's 3rd birthday and they did a great job. I found out that they have a permanent location as well and it turned out to be a great choice. The place was fairly small so for the party we had the whole place to ourselves with 17 kids along with their parents. It felt really nice and intimate. We had 2 instructors there and they were really great at leading the kids at games and helping them tumble and bounce. They even tried to remember each child's name! Since Max's birthday is just a few weeks apart from Rylan's, we had a joint party since we also share many of the same friends. The adults had a good time catching up while the kids had a lot of fun as well!