Monday, October 15, 2007

Poopy Jalen

Today is Jalen's five-month birthday. We took him to the pediatrician because over the past week or so, he's been pooping a lot more than usual and we were getting concerned. At the doctor's office we found out that Jalen is now 19lb 3oz! The doctor said he seemed like a perfectly healthy and happy baby and we didn't need to worry. Phew!

I've been trying to get Jalen to practice rolling over. He can roll to his side easily but he is totally not motivated to roll completely from his tummy to back or vice versa. I've also been letting him sit up while supporting him lightly in hopes that he'll develop some stronger stomach muscles. I kind of think that Jalen is a lazy kid. He's discovered the button on the Jumperoo that makes the music and lights go on. So he kinda of leans on the button with his arm to turn on the music instead of jumping. Go figure.

Jalen enjoys sucking on his thumb and he likes to shove as much of his hands into his mouth as possible.

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