Monday, January 7, 2008

Seahawk Saturday

We spent last Saturday watching playoff football at Joon's house with Jalen. He didn't do too well with all the loud cheering. When people cheered he cried from the sudden screams. I had to take him away from the TV room so that he could nap and that made me miss the end of the game which was the best part! Oh well, maybe Jalen will do better this weekend.

After the game, Trenton came over to play with Jalen. It was late so Trenton was tired and he cried a lot. Jalen was in a great mood. Every toy that we put in front of Trenton Jalen just took it for himself. I think Jalen needs to learn how to share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cute Seahawk fans! Got to love that! I'm sure Jalen will get used to the yelling and screaming by next season.

--Debi V.