Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl Sunday

For Jalen's first Superbowl Sunday, we went to Tammy's baby shower. There were babies everywhere. Jalen's buddy Trenton didn't show up until we were leaving so Jalen was the only baby that was crawling at the party. We tried to get him to play with Matthew, who's about 2.5 months younger than Jalen but Jalen wasn't really interested. He was finding all sorts of new things to put in his mouth.

Here's Jalen discovering a Sit 'n' Spin. He wasn't sure how to sit on it so he put his mouth on it instead.

One of the baby shower games was to stuff as many balloons in your shirt as possible. Afterwards, all of the babies enjoyed sucking on the balloons. Here's Audrey, Jalen and Matthew.

Jalen found a little chair with a picture of a piggy on it. Of course he loves piggies so he had a lot of fun pushing up and standing next to it.

Here's Jalen and Matthew. Matthew is almost 6 months and he is already 20lbs just like Jalen was when he was 6 months. These two are big boys!

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