Friday, July 3, 2009

Big News!

This is a picture of Jalen sitting on the toilet in May. We'd try to put him on the toilet or the potty once in a while and he always just sat there and no pee. Last Wednesday, when I picked him up at Grandma's house, she told me he peed in the toilet! I couldn't believe it. We tried it again at home and sure enough, he peed! After he pees, he would flush the toilet and put the potty seat away then we would wash his hands. It's only been day 3 of preliminary potty training but Rick and I are so excited we went and bought Pull-ups. We're just dreaming of days of diaper-free Jalen!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Awesome Job Jalen! Can't believe how fast they grow!! Such a handsome little man =)