Being the lucky first born means that Jalen has gotten all of the attention from mommy and daddy, and the grand parents. Now he must learn how to share with a soon to be arriving sibling, starting now with his blog. Here's the story of Baby #2 so far.
June 6, 2009
How we found out -- I was getting ready to go to my girls trip to Phoenix with Tina. I still hadn’t gotten my period even though I took a pregnancy test the week before and it was negative. I was actually annoyed all week because I thought I’d be on my period while we’re in Phoenix! Anyways, I figured I should take another test since it’s been a week since the last. I took it at about 4am since I woke up and I had to go to the bathroom. When it beeped and read “pregnant”, I said “oh my God”. When I told Rick, he said “I knew it!” We had suspected I might have been pregnant because I was feeling more hungry and my face was breaking out. Thinking back, we guessed that it must have been the night after Jalen’s 2 year old birthday party. My parents were in town and we just had to take advantage of the free babysitting by going out and hitting the bars. Blame it on the alcohol! Wow, I wasn’t expecting the second pregnancy to happen like this but it is a true blessing.
July 1, 2009
Week 10 – So far, I think that I’ve felt less sick than I did with Jalen. I definitely have more energy since I still can keep up with my work outs. Although I’ve been taking it easy and just doing the elliptical. Last Saturday I walked for 3 miles which took me about 1 hour. It was quite relaxing and nice. I am tired of thinking about food all day long. If I don’t eat, then I get very hungry and my stomach feels queasy. So my daily intake is something like: 7am first breakfast, 9:30am second breakfast, 12pm lunch, 3pm, second lunch, 6:30pm dinner, 10pm, second dinner. In theory, you’re supposed to each 6 small meals to prevent nausea except I’m eating almost 6 full meals! The doctor said that I only need 300 extra calories while I’m pregnant. I’m definitely eating more than that. So I’m glad that at least I’m able to continue to work out. My goal is to gain only 30lbs this time around. With Jalen, I gained about 46lb.
July 14, 2009
Week 12? - I had my OB appointment today. What a stressful event that was! It started out all normal until the doctor went to listen to the baby’s heart rate. She couldn’t hear anything, so she said, let’s do an ultrasound. I was like oookay. I had to wait in the lobby for the nurse. All sorts of thoughts were going through my head. Finally, they called my name and they couldn’t see the baby well because I didn’t have a full bladder. After some maneuvering, we finally saw the baby. It was waving its arm! Wow, that was more animated than the first time when I saw Jalen when he was just a little lima bean with a little flicker of a heart beat. This baby, you can see arms and legs and the heart beat as well. The nurse measured the baby and announced that it’s only measuring at 9.5 weeks, not 11 some as we had thought based on my last period. This makes my new due date February 12 instead of January 28. That totally threw me for a loop and now I have no idea when the baby was conceived. But the relief was seeing my baby moving and active. It’s so amazing and brought a smile to my face.
Another note is that I gained 5lbs since my first appointment a month ago. I can’t even comfortably button up my jeans anymore. Yikes! It’s not such much a baby bump as it is a bloated belly. Sigh. My doctor recommended taking Tums and Pepcid A/C to keep my tummy calm. Hopefully, that means I won’t have to eat as much to combat the upset stomach.
September 2, 2009
Week 17 – Yesterday was the first day when I felt some fluttering that could be the baby moving. I wasn’t sure whether it was the baby at first because I had been feeling a lot of movement in my tummy due to, ahem, gas. But this time around it was different. The movements weren’t accompanied with, er, bloating. It feels like a little fish is swimming in my tummy. Today I felt those movements again and I’m more certain that it is the baby! It’s so great feeling the baby move. In the last few weeks, I’ve been tired and my stomach has been upset. As I entered the second trimester those symptoms are subsiding. Oh, another lovely side effect of this pregnancy is that I’ve been breaking out a lot, especially on my chin. I’m just not one of those women that get the beautiful pregnancy glow. I get pimples instead. So with all of these things I have to deal with as a part of the pregnancy, feeling the baby move was the first big reward.
I’m completely dependent on the Bella Band now as I can’t even zip up my jeans now. I love that leggings are in right now so that I can enjoy the elastic waist band! My weight gain has slowed down since my stomach has calmed down so I’ve had to eat less. I’m still at about 5lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight which is good because I’m still on track with my goal of less than 30lbs!
September 4
The baby is definitely full on kicking! It no longer feels like litter flutters. Today I was able to put my hand on my belly and feel the kick from the outside. The baby is especially active when I'm pooped and pause for a rest. It feels great to get these little hellos from the baby. Hello to you too!
hello to baby #2!!! can't wait to meet him or her next year =D congrats!
We're excited and so happy for all 3 of you! Whoo hoo!
I'm so excited that you'll have your second BB!Congratulations and take care.
Stephy TT
Congrats! So happy for you!
Congratulations!!! Very exciting news and I love all the updates and details.
You've done an amzaing job of keeping this blog up-to-date.
Debi Vander Meulen
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