Saturday, January 30, 2010

Big milestone for Jalen

On Jan. 8, 2010, we sent Jalen to daycare in underwear, not diapers! His school had suggested that we start and we were thinking the same thing since baby #2 is coming and we want to get Jalen off diapers. We knew the day had to come some time soon and we just had to suck it up and prepare ourselves to take the big step. He kept his pants dry on day 1 but then on day 2 had 3 accidents, i.e. wet/poopy pants. Now we've finished our 3rd full week of underwear training and he's doing really great. We take him to the bathroom to pee about every hour and we make him go #2 once or twice a day. He gets 2 treats for going #2 on the toilet. Every night, he gets to pick out which underwear to wear: cars? Thomas the tank engine? Elmo? We still put him in diapers during nap time and at night but lately he's been keeping his diaper dry through the night (10 - 12 hours).

The next big step for Jalen would be telling us that he needs to pee without us prompting him. He's already started doing that when he needs to be poop. Once he's able to go potty by himself then he'll gradate to preschool. That probably won't happen until he's around 3 years old but we're still so pleasantly surprised and proud of how great he's doing with potty training.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week 35

Baby #2 is due in just 5 weeks! So far, the third trimester has been a rough one. I'm suffering from terrible acid reflux and sometimes vomit twice a day. Although I have gained only 20 - 25lbs so far, it still feels like I'm carrying a watermelon with everywhere I go. On the other hand, I'm not retaining water the way I was with Jalen, which means I can still fit into all my shoes. :)

Here's a picture of me when I was 8 months pregnant with Jalen back in April, 2007.

Some pictures from Christmas

Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting ready for baby #2

It's T minus 5 weeks until baby #2 is due to join us. Last night, I had Rick set up the bassinet in our bedroom. This morning, Jalen walked into our room and saw it for the first time. This was how the conversation went:

Jalen: what's this?
Me: it's the bed for the baby.
Jalen: I want to go in it?
Me: no, you're too big. It's for the baby.
Jalen: you take it away!
Me: If I take it away, where is the baby going to sleep?
Jalen: the baby sleep on the floor!

Oh boy, I think this was the first preview of how Jalen is going to feel about the new baby. I can already envision the future:

Me to Rick: where is the baby?
Rick: look, it's on the floor!
Jalen: (guilty look on face)