On Aug. 10 I took Max to his 6 months check up. He was 17lb 15 oz(50 - 75%) and 26.75" (50-75%). He's growing proportionally and doing great. He does have some eczema on the back of his head so I was told to start putting hydrocortizone cream on his head until it clears up.
We started giving him rice cereal on his 6 months birthday once a day. More accurately the nanny gives it to him once a day. She says it took him about 3 days to get the hang of it. I've been so busy between work and the kids that I haven't had the energy to experiment with any new foods. The last week Max and Jalen have both been under the weather. Max hasn't been eating so well, so the solid food experiment is slightly on hold. He sleeps great though. I usually put him down around 8:30pm and he sleeps until 9am. I typically wake him up at 7am to feed him then put him back down to sleep. I'm so thankful that Max is easy in the morning because I have to feed Jalen and get him ready for school. At least lately, Jalen hasn't been throwing as many tantrums about going to school. I have Jalen on a routine of get dressed, breakfast and a little TV. I tell him that he can watch 1 episode (one of Thomas, Bob the Builder, Dora, Ni Hao Kai Lan or Diego) and he turns off the TV when it's done by himself.
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