Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Max is 15 months old!

Our lives have been so hectic that I've been pretty behind in my blog posts. In fact, I feel quite guilty that I didn't take pictures of Max on his month birthdays. For his 15 month milestone, I took him to his wellness checkup. Max is now 22lb 9oz (25%) and 31.25" (50% - 75%). He is following the 25th percentile curve quite consistently since his 12 months checkup after having been at the 50th percentile curve for his first year. Our pediatrician says not to worry too much about his weight gain. Many toddlers are quite picky with food. I'm just not used to it because Jalen was always and still is a great eater. Max is still not walking whereas 90% of 15 month olds are walking. The doctor says not to worry unless he is still not walking by 18 months. My friend Dorothy's daughter didn't walk until 19 months and she's doing great now. I just keep telling myself not to worry, he will walk when he's ready.

Max is doing much better at daycare now. He is eating better, at least according to his daily report card. He still wakes up once in the middle of the night a few times a week. Luckily, he goes back to sleep fairly quickly such that it doesn't interrupt my sleep for too long. On the nights that he does sleep through, I wake up so refreshed it seems like I've been sleeping for 10 hours when it's only like 6. I can't wait until both kids are both sleeping through consistently so I can finally get good sleep at night.

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