Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jalen is one year old!

It's so hard to believe that our baby boy is one year old! The day that he was born is still so clear in my mind. Especially the four hours leading up to his arrival. So much has happened since then. The first month of his life was probably the longest month of my life, probably because I had to be awake for so much of it! Since then, he's turned from a newborn to chubby baby to toddler so quickly before our eyes. He's starting to learn how to walk and I can't wait for the next year.

Here's Jalen at his birthday dinner at Red Robin. He's getting a special treat: French fries!

Here's a sundae that's the size of Jalen's head!

Jalen didn't really know what to do with his sundae. We were expecting him to dig in but he was a little hesitant.

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