Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jalen is Sick

Last Tuesday, Jalen started to get a fever around 102 degrees. We gave him some Tylenol because he was being fussy. The fever lasted through Wednesday then it broke on Thursday, his birthday. Then on Thursday night, his fever went back up to over 104. It was a rough night, he was really hot and woke up every hour. We brought him to the doctor's office on Friday and his fever went down again. We thought maybe it was some sort of an infection so poor Jalen had to endure some blood tests but those turned out to be negative. The doctor suspected it may something called roseola, where a child gets high fever for a couple of days then breaks out into a rash. Sure enough, the next day Jalen got a rash on his stomach and back. We were relieved because roseola is not serious.

Jalen is usually super active and always on the move. But when he was sick, all he wanted to do was cuddle up to you and fall asleep.

I actually enjoyed cuddling up to my little sick baby.

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