Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jalen Gives Mommy a Scare

Last Friday night, Rick went out with his friends for his birthday so I stayed home with Jalen alone. I put him to bed but he stayed awake and was crying in his crib. When he cries at night, we usually leave him alone and try to check back on him once in a while. He cried and cried and next thing you know, I heard a loud *thud*. I ran to his room and saw him on the floor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jalen has a small stuffed toy in his crib so all I could guess was that he somehow stepped on his toy, climbed out of his crib and fell on the floor. He has never done anything close to that before so I was in shock. I could tell that he wasn't hurt but I was still almost in tears. It taught us an important lesson, don't put ANYTHING in the baby's crib and move the crib on its lowest setting. It was quite a scare!

Here's Jalen trying to escape his playpen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg i hate that this happened. i would have freaked out!!!! maybe call 911 or something. ah! poor baby!!