Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jalen's One Year Check up

We took Jalen to his one year check up on May 22. He is 23lbs 6 1/4 oz (50-75%) and 31" long (75-90%). Jalen is now drinking whole milk instead of formula. He's eating table food now instead of baby food. We are experimenting with what to feed him. In general, Jalen loves rice, tofu, crackers and cheese. We're having fun feeding him different things and seeing if he likes them. If he gets tired of something, he lets us know by spitting it back out. When he watches us eat, he gets really excited and wants to try what we're eating. He's also starting to grab for the spoon so sometimes we scoop the food for him and let him put it in his mouth. Jalen is still mostly crawling. He can take a few steps but he's not motivated to walk. We haven't taken many pictures lately but we'll post some new videos soon.

Here's Jalen at Katelyn's 1st birthday party on May 17th.

We took Jalen to his one year photo shoot on May 18th.

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