Thursday, March 15, 2007

Baby Moon

A couple of weekends ago, Rick and I organized a last minute baby moon with a few of our good friends. A baby moon is like a honeymoon except it's a getaway before the baby comes. Since we didn't really plan to go anywhere far, we decided a nice weekend away at our family friend's vacation house would be the perfect last getaway. Mrs. Suyama's family has a nice, big vacation house in the city of Shelton which is about 70 miles south of Seattle. The house is on a beautiful beach property abundant with oysters, clams and mussels. The view is amazing and the setting is so laid back. We spent all Saturday gathering seafood from the beach then the rest of the time cooking and eating and napping. It doesn't really get more relaxing than that!

On the way to Shelton, we decided to play the name game to kill time. Our friends John and Erin helped us come up with some pretty creative and funny names with the last name Locke. Here are some of the ones that made the list. And yes, pun intended.

Lady Locke
Head Locke
Wed Locke
Zip Locke
Boom Shaka Locke
Sher Locke
Dred Locke
Goldie Locke
Digital Anna Locke
Grid Locke

Gathering oysters on the beach.

Starting a fire in the middle of the day?!

Fresh Hood Canal oysters!

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