Friday, March 23, 2007

There's a Party in My Belly!

So far, the most amazing part of being pregnant is being able to feel the baby move. When the baby first gave me a little nudge, it was just the tiniest little flutter that could have easily been mistaken for gas. Then just in the following couple of weeks, the movements were often enough that I could let Rick feel them by touching his hand on my belly. At first, the idea of having another person inside me is a little strange. Someone with a mind of its own is in me? As time went on, the movements became stronger. Sometimes, the baby is pushing against my belly such that I could feel something round and hard from the outside. That made me wonder, is that your little head? Or your little bottom? Those moments made me feel that I'm already starting to bond with the baby and that I'm going to love it so much. I can't see it yet, but I'm imagining what its doing. Is that poke a kick or a punch? Is the baby awake or just tossing in its sleep? I could just picture that after the baby arrives, I would be watching it all day and all night, doing its thing and thinking to myself, so that's what you were up to when you were inside! At night, when I'm laying on my side getting ready to sleep, the baby really starts kicking up a storm. So I get Rick to talk to the baby. He doesn't really know what to say but it doesn't really matter. The baby will get to know his voice and recognize him when it arrives. Nowadays, the baby movements are so wide and strong that not only you can feel it outside my belly, you can see it. When we listen to the radio and the baby starts kicking, we imagine that it's because it really likes that type of music. When the baby acts up at night, we think to ourselves that it is a night owl just like Daddy. Even though we can't see the baby yet, we already feel like it's got a personality. It just makes us that much more anxious to meet the little one.

Here's a video of the baby moving about in my belly. Can you see the baby poking out to say hello?

1 comment:

sunny stephy said...

could you tell me how to send vcr to blog?