Thursday, May 24, 2007

Being Mommy

Being a mom is no doubt a full time job and I'm learning so much everyday. I feed Jalen at least 8 times a day. Each feeding takes about 1 hour, that means I spend over 8 hours a day feeding, burping and changing the baby! Now that Jalen is getting enough milk, it's been a lot easier getting him to feed and sleep. The tough part is still not being able to sleep more than an hour and a half at a time. I try to take a couple of naps during the day so that I get at least 7 hours of sleep within a 24 hour period. The good thing is that I have Jalen on a 3 hour feeding schedule now so that after a feeding, I have a 2 hour window to do something for myself. Rick and I left the baby with my mom a couple of times to get some shopping done. It was definitely nice to get out of the house. Rick also put a TV in the nursery so that I have some entertainment during those late night feedings. I can't tell you what a difference the TV made. Not only that it made the feedings go by faster, I also felt connected to the adult world again because I could catch up on all the latest news and gossip. Yesterday, we went out for dinner for the first time since the baby was born and Jalen was such a good boy that he slept through the whole thing. Rick and I are planning to go out to eat by ourselves this weekend and leave the baby with my mom. I'll finally be able to have sushi and have a little bit of alcohol, yay! All these little steps are so important and things are getting a little easier each day. It's a lot of work taking care of Jalen but I also have to remind myself to not just rush through the feedings so that I can catch a nap or check email. I need to pause and take in his sweet little face before he grows up too quickly.

Jalen is 8 days old!

Jalen did not like his first bath.

Finally dry again,

and sleeping peacefully...

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