Monday, June 7, 2010

Max is 4 months old!

I took Max to his check-up on his 4-months birthday last Monday. He was 14lb 12oz and 24 3/4 inches. Both his weight and height are in the 50th percentile. So Max is just an average, healthy boy. I don't know whether it's because I'm an experienced mommy now, or if Max is just more laid back but I find Max is an easier baby than Jalen was at the same age. I've already stopped swaddling Max whereas Jalen was swaddled until about 10 months! I can just put Max down in his crib and he will fall alseep on his own. We always held Jalen until he fell asleep then we'd very, very carefully put him down. If he happened to wake up, we'd immediately pick him up again and rocked him to sleep.

One thing that I'm still working on with Max is getting him to sleep longer at night. Nowadays, Max eats about 6 - 8 times a day, about every 3 - 4 hours. His last feeding of the day is around 8:30pm and he goes to asleep at 9pm. He can sleep until 3am and somethings even 5am! After his 3am feeding, he often wakes up around 5am so I bring him in bed with us. The challenging part nowadays is that daylight starts around 5am. Sometimes Max wakes up Jalen and Jalen hops into bed with us. But since it's so bright, Jalen can't fall alseep. All I can do is hope that Jalen sleeps until a reasonable hour, like 7:30am. I'm going back to work in less than 2 weeks so I'm pretty nervous about how the lack of sleep will affect me at work!

Here's Max in his exercisaucer. He tries to reaches for the buttons but a lot of the time he just ends up chewing on the cloth covering on the harness.

Max smiles all the time now. He loves looking a faces, even strangers. He is the happiest when I take him out for a walk or shopping.

Here's Andy and Aimi's son Rylan, who is about 2 weeks older than Max. Rylan is a big boy, he's already 17lbs!

Here's Auntie Betsy making Max laughing out loud! Max has a laugh that almost sounds like a cough sometimes. I love tickling him to make him laugh!

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