Sunday, February 13, 2011

Max is one year old!

My baby turned 1 on Feb. 1, 2011. We celebrated by going to our neighborhood Red Robin. Max devoured a whole half of avocado, nibbled on some french fries and then got his first taste of ice cream. Because it was a Tuesday night, Red Robin made a special appearance which didn't faze Max at all but totally freaked out Jalen.

On Friday, Feb. 4, I took Max for his one year check up. He was 20lb 11oz (10 - 25%) and 31" (75 - 90%). His weight gain growth curve has slowed down since he was in the 50th percentile at his 9 months visit. I explained he recently transitioned to table food from baby food and just started day care. The doctor said it was understandable given the circumstances and asked that we follow up in 6 weeks to check his weight again. So now I have to focus on fattening Max up!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

tehe, i love max following the "airplane" spoon at the end of the video. he is so cute!!