Friday, December 29, 2006

October 2, 2006 - First Glimpse At Baby

I went to my family doctor where my pregnancy was re-confirmed. It felt more real to have someone else tell you that you’re pregnant so that you know it’s not all just in your head. They told me my due date is May 17th. Wow, it felt like it was all really happening. After visiting my family doctor, I made an appointment to see an OB doctor and they told me that I would be meeting with a nurse. At the OB intake appointment, the nurse gave me a standard physical exam. Then she rolled out an ultrasound machine and announced that she was going to take a look at the baby. Really? I wasn’t prepared for this. I had told Rick not to come to this appointment since I figured there would be nothing to see. But when the nurse turned on the ultrasound and pointed out the tiny spec inside my uterus I could see the distinct flickering that was the baby’s heartbeat. I couldn’t help but smile and say “this is so cool!” After I got home, I showed the picture of the ultrasound to Rick and he called the baby “peanut”. Can you spot the baby in the picture?

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